Sunday, February 26, 2006

Drill, issue 7, is completed. It's quite simply the best one yet. Cover art by Luke Daly, art work by Scott Shanley, a CD edited by Eric Unger with sound poetry by ric royer, jUStin!katKo, and Eric Unger. And 17 poets: Eric Unger, jUStin!katKO, Dorothea Lasky, Luke Daly, Aaron Lowinger, Barrett Gordon, Piers Hugill, Sheila Murphy, Tawrin Baker, Michael Slosek, Michael Koshkin, Maureen Thorson, Andrew Peterson, Francis Raven, Ian Duncan, and Derek Beaulieu. I'm ever so slowly mailing out issues to contributors - a good number of them should be in the mail on Monday. If you'd like an issue, please let me know via the House Press email address. Also, if you're going to be in Chicago in early April - Luke Daly, Eric Unger, and I will be reading (probably at Danny's) as a launch for both Drill and Spell magazine. Thanks to everyone who submitted work. Drill will return in the late summer or early fall with an 8th and final issue. I'll keep you posted.


Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Thursday, February 09, 2006


February 20th is the date past which I cannot accept any more submissions for Spell magazine. The work I've received so far has been quite disturbing, somewhat weird, and definitely inspired. There is room for more, just make sure it can be expressed in the second dimension. Yes, this is an old fashioned, flat sort of thing. But I think Spell's inaugural issue will still manage to push forward into the future, an exciting place. So send me work in which you are pushing yourself to your very limits, even if you are unsure of it. I'll even publish a cartoon of the prophet Mohammed if you've got one, because I believe in freedom speech. Send your files to Thanks.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006