Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Flim Forum Blog

The Businessmen of Faith behind Flim Forum are promising a spate of upcoming posts on their new blog.

The first Anthology is going to include Daly, Gelsinger, Lowinger, and Klane. It's going to be a bible of a book.

Finally, another press without standards.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Graverubber reviewed

Just in case you all didn't see it, Barry Gordon's Graverubber was reviewed on Logan's blog. Check it out.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Open Night

Open Night - a small (30 pages) group of poems by Aaron Lowinger and produced by the good faith of Bill Sylvester is available from the author at a rock bottom price of a trade. Books will be mailed this week to those on the list. Please "comment" your address or backchannel to aalowingerATgmailDOTcom if you'd like to put your name on the list!

Monday, November 06, 2006

This Friday 11/10

A reading featuring House Press poets. 2767 N. Milwaukee Ave. in Chicago. approx. 10PM.

Barrett Gordon
Eric Gelsinger
Aaron Lowinger
Luke Daly
Jeff Burghauser
Michael Slosek
Eric Unger
Tawrin Baker

Please RSVP. Let's get the grill fired up around 7:30. Should be a bloody good time!