Wednesday, March 22, 2006

For Clarity - a new magazine by House Press

There was some worry on Mr. Gelsinger's blog that there will be a shortage of small press magazines with the closing down of Drill - which I should mention #7 is the last issue - and I wanted to be clear that this fall Eric Unger, Luke Daly, and I will be putting out a new magzine, the name has yet to be determined. All of you who have given me work for issue 8, I hope I can use for this new project (if not, please let me know). Luke, Eric and I will be having an equal hand in the editing, publication, and stapling, so I thought that a new name would be in order. Eric and I saw Michael Palmer read last night, then had some drinks to discuss how the new magazine might look. We're thinking of doing something big, with lots of poets included from all of our respected groups, communities, and schools, a CD of sound work, art work, a total art production. Like Spell (and I hope like the last Drill) we want to make this magazine into an art object, that is well conceived, and something you want to touch and have around. In many ways it's going to be a lot like Drill and Spell, but with the added influence of Mr. Daly. We'll be making posts about it in the future. For the time being we have plenty of great magazines to publish in, LRS's Small Town, and Boss Sakkis's BothBoth, J!K's Plantarchy, just to name a few - the new FRAME looks pretty hot, too.

Also, for those of you who will be in Chicago on April 6th, just a reminder that Luke, Eric and I will be reading at Danny's bar at 8 o'clock. MS


Blogger John Sakkis said...

right right...

10:02 AM  
Blogger Eric said...


Mike, what's the cut-off for Drill #8? My doing/s taking longer than expected.

11:06 AM  

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