string of small machines released

string of small machines is completed (in a run of 125 copies) and in the mail to contributors, who are: Scott Shanley, Andrew Peterson, Joseph Cooper, Damian Weber, Stacy Szymaszek, Michael Carr, Logan Ryan Smith, Matthew Klane, Barrett Gordon, Jess Mynes, Sheila E. Murphy, Eric Unger, Craig Perez, Aaron Tieger, Kate Greenstreet, Eric Gelsinger, Dorothea Lasky, Aaron Lowinger, Dana Ward, Jon Fadley. Chlesea Warren and Meghan Raham did the beautiful cover. If you'd like a copy, it is available for trade. Please contact small_machines AT yahoo DOT com. We'll be coming back with a second issue this winter.
Michael Slosek, Luke Daly, Barrett Gordon, Eric Unger - editors
I Want This. I NEED it.
I'll send trade materials later this month.
I just saw a copy. Phenominal work. Really exciting, fun, energizing -- total.
Not to be retreading old ground, but I was rereading some of Lowinger's work, from his book, and other magazines - when's he going to put out another book? Seems like with Spell and SOSM he's off in another direction. Any thoughts?
MOUNDZ, MONS, MENS, MOULD, MEME ETC ETC -- isn't that coming out as a book soon?
you mean me?
al cohen?
I wrote to JP because I liked his poems in String, and he had no idea what I was talking about. Can someone send him copies?
could you send his e-mail? or tell him to email us? i think we have an old e-mail address for him. his package is ready to go, just waiting for an address.
Eric Unger
I got his e-mail from his blog profile; an intriguing BellSouth address. I want to meet him in the future later. Work New York and buy him lavendur and fuchsia gators. Introduce him to heavyweighters and playerhaters. Delish him with rich bitch shit, dish him mimosas and cristal till he piss the shit. I love that J.P. Fadley. I love he's been in and out of jail, I love that he's from Nashville, I love his fucking face. I love you, J.p. Fadley.
good job.
this is good stuff. actually, the chicago wing of house press is seriously kicking ass and burying me with paper.
i did receive it and it's beautiful! i will hopefully be sending trad stuff yr way soon! perhaps a wee set...
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